Once again we didn't have anything planned for the day and I wanted to do something fun. I had the great idea to have three meals in three different countries. It sounds cool right? Well, sometimes ideas just don't work out as you planned. We had already had breakfast (in the Czech Republic) when I came up with the idea so the plan was to have lunch in Polland and dinner in Slovakia.
First issue -rain. It rained for hours, and so hard we could hardly see the sights. The picture below shows Polland's flag with the EU flag, on the border.
We stopped in this mountain resort town and decided to have lunch. It was a really cool little town. We figured we would have dinner in Slovakia. But no one warned us that the dishes would be so large and filling. We each ordered the same dish. When it came it was humungous and we mentioned our surprise to the waitress. Her response (translated of course) "Yeah, people usually just order one and share." That would have been useful information when we were ordering. We decided we would have desert in Slovakia instead.
So, in the end I had breakfast and lunch in The Czech Republic and no dinner. Not what I planned for my spontaneous day. But I did still visit three countries in one day, and I guess that is still cool.